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Poland Bartosz Leśko


Bartosz Leśko

(1 DQ) Wins


2 KO/TKO - 10%
7 submission - 35%
5 decision - 25%




15% - 3 KO/TKO
5% - 1 submission
5% - 1 decision
hometown Gdynia, Poland Gdynia, Poland
28 (1996-04-27)
6′2″ (189 cm)
Reach 6′7″ (200 cm)
Weight 209.4 lbs (95 kg)
Stance -
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Frequently Asked Questions About Bartosz Leśko

  • What You Need to Know About Bartosz Leśko?

    If you're looking for a distinguished figure in the MMA landscape, Bartosz Leśko is a name you should know. An accomplished fighter, Leśko's résumé is enhanced by his extensive achievements in the realm of Karate.

    Leśko has an impressive collection of medals from Karate competitions on various stages. Notably, he has garnered multiple accolades on the global, continental, and national level. His success spans across World and European Karate Championships, where he has repeatedly proven his expertise and technical precision.

    In addition to his international exploits, Leśko has also made his mark on his home soil, clinching numerous awards in the Polish Karate Championship. These accomplishments give a testament to his unwavering dedication and remarkable skills in martial arts.

  • How much does MMA star Bartosz Leśko weigh?

    Weighing in at approximately 209.4 pounds, Bartosz Leśko's weight aligns with his competitive category in the fighting world.

  • What is the reach of MMA fighter Bartosz Leśko?

    Boasting a reach of 79 inches, Bartosz Leśko employs this attribute strategically during his matches.

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